Antares Weighing unmanned weighbridge Kit
Antares Weighing unmanned weighbridge system is a stand alone system which allows 24 hours 7 days a week without the need of operator due to the systems easy interface it is totally operated by the truck driver. Antares Weighing Unmanned weigh / Kit is in the Real sense UNMANNED. Antares Weighing prominent in South of tamilnadu have designed Proven Unmanned weigh bridge kit with lot of efforts and understanding of the total concept and have come out successfully and installed lot of unmanned weigh bridge kits which are working good to the entire satisfaction of the user end.
- Antares has a standard design for unmanned operation and software can be customized to clients requirement.
- Total customization will also be carried out based on various inputs from the clients.
We supply Unmanned weigh bridges as a whole and as a kit ie the existing weigh bridges can be converted to Unmanned operation with proper inspection by Antares Engineers of the existing weigh bridge at site
- Easy to Use
- Vehicle Position System For Weighbridge
- Human error on weighments can be eliminated
- Make secure weighment,
- Avoid duplicate weighment of same vehicle,
- Make weighment process speedy
- Provide various types of reports.
- Truck driver need not get down from the cabin
- Movement of trucks will be faster than theconventional type
- Weighments can happen uninterruptedly withouta break [ Tea time, Lunch time]
- System Automatically takes Vehicle Image/Photo on during weighment process[Interchange of vehicles cannot be done]
Special features
- Weigh bridge room can be totally locked
- Hooter Provision for alarming system
- System Automatically take Vehicle Image/Photo onWeighment Time, Capture
- SMS facility to inform about the fault if arises for quick retrieval
- Barrier, Camera, will be provided as option
- Proper Control checks wherever necessary can be Implementedfor smooth functioning of the system
- Connect with Existing Weighbridge & and with any Indicator
- Connectivity With SAP, ORACLE, ERP
- Support OS with XP, Win7,
- System Automatically takes Vehicle Image/Photo on Weighment Time, Capture
Where all this Unmanned Weigh Bridge & Weighment Kit can be Used
- Cement Plants for weighing Limestone
- Cement plants for weighing cement and other stores materials
- Steel Plants
- Mining Industries
- Thermal Plants
- Ware houses
- Sugar factories
- Chemical industries
- Salt units
- Oil & Refineries
- All industries where minimum of 25 trucks weighment is involved